- Danis Kadić is a 15-year-old boy from Zenica. He was born on April 19, 2006. He finished the 4th grade of Elementary School "Meša Selimović" in Zenica. Today, he has a life that is completely different from the lives of his peers, and that is because of a doctor's mistake during his birth. They told the parents that there was a -1% chance that Danis would stand on his own two feet, that he would never walk, not even crawl and not even live to see the next summer. Only in the 13th month of his life, at the private specialized polyclinic "Milena Stojčević Polovina" in Zagreb was he diagnosed with cerebral palsy / Tetrapareza Spastica (both arms and legs affected, the most severe form). At the specialized ophthalmology clinic "Sveti vid" in Belgrade by the renowned Swiss ophthalmologist Prof. dr. Rudolf Autrate was diagnosed with Hypermetropiacumastigmatismoodsesotropiacongenita 60 PD. At the request of dr. prof. M.Stojčević Polovina (who has been successfully educating them in the field of motor exercises for 10 years, who is the only professional doctor, scientist responsible for Danis' achievements) Danis' father Hamdija wrote a story, an essay, in 2009 as a confession of a caring parent of a child with cerebral palsy. 4 stories are on the official website of Prof. dr. Milena, as well as on the web, FB page under the heading Iskustva roditelja' ', titled "Danisova Priča". This essay was written to be a guide for others on how to recognize the disease, exercise, manage to provide psychological help, and strengthen the mindset of parents whose children are sick.
Danis’ dad's essay: “Dear Parents, especially "new" ones! There are and there will be - ALWAYS!!! those who will tell you that your child is "perfectly OK", and that "they are experts", and that there is NO (!?) need to go "to others". There will also be "those" who will say that your child is a "failed project" and will die attached to tubes (God forbid you experience that situation...); that he won't even be able to pick up a spoon; to "work on another" (which would probably mean, in a figurative sense, that we throw "this one" in the bin), and to: "What are they doing there! They are destroying our nation, degenerating our people, sending us ruined children! Ah, yes, I CANNOT (!?) help your child now, it's too late... He will never crawl, he won't be able to sit, walk...live.... And there will be those who will say: "Yes, this is not good. Go ahead, ask, but don't say you heard it from me. You know, these are my "senior colleagues", so it's not convenient, believe me... I'll have problems...". After reading the MRI scan of his (Danis') brain, unfortunately, fear, anxiety and black forebodings came true. It was "clarified" to us "verbally" (we received the findings and all accompanying documentation in written form) that with Danis, most likely, it is about "problems caused by human error", which occurred during childbirth and in the post-natal period, as well as unprofessional and inadequate medical care guidance (which, according to the doctor, will probably be confirmed after the next brain MRI in approximately 8-9 months). In short, in Danis, "paraventricular" changes were observed on both sides, which could correspond to posthypoxic changes, but it cannot be ruled out that it is an initial leukodystrophy. We were verbally told that this second qualification was introduced purely to "give us a foothold" to do a second MRI of the brain; of course, and to "cover" themselves, I say, from this time distance. We "laymen" were told, translated into vernacular, "that our son suffered brain damage due to the briefly interrupted supply of oxygen during childbirth; there are small, dead, amorphous masses - scars in the brain, which can neither be healed nor repaired", literally - that our son's brain is, I quote their words, "hollow like meadow cheese" and that there is no repair; and that "you can do something small - to make his days easier"; and "where have you been until now - you are late...".
In 2011, an article was published in the newspaper with the title "Because of austerity, there is no money for the boy's treatment?!" Danis' father, Hamdija, then declared: "The only thing left for me to do is kill myself with the child or give him up for adoption."
He said this after his request was rejected. The request of the employee of the Municipality of Zenica, Hamdija Kadić, that the former mayor of Zenica (Husejin Smajilović) grant him a one-time financial aid for the treatment of his son Danis was rejected as unfounded and that because of "savings" in the Federation. In 2013, Danis started the first grade of elementary music school. Just when one thinks that maybe it's time for everything to get better, something happens. On the last day of 2014, Hamdija asked through social networks that all those who have useful information about the items that were stolen from his garage contact him. In the theft, a wheelchair and a pram for Danis, who is 100% disabled, were stolen. Those wheelchairs were of no use to anyone but Danis as they were specially adapted handicap aids. About 20 days later, another theft occurred in the apartment building, which they rented and where the Kadić family lives. And there were also mobility aids. According to the assessment of MUP inspectors/official note, it was 24,000 KM. In the last war, Danis' father Hamdija was in the Special Unit Bosnia 2, an escort of VIPs (the late President A.I., Prime Minister E. Ganić, H. Silajdžić, 8 ministers, the late Prof. Duraković, Tatjana Milošević, Kljujić, Ivo Komšić, etc.) . He was wounded during an attempted assassination. But even though Hamdija was an active member of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the last aggression against our country, this status did not make it any easier for him.
He has no apartment, no pension or anything else as thanks for what he was. Although Hamdija is a professor of the Economics Group of subjects, he has not been working for 10 years, he is on sick leave so that he could exercise with Danis (he has to do so all day). Because of this, he receives a salary of 300 KM. He is in debt on all grounds and loans due to the treatment. They sold everything and live in one room where they exercise, sleep and study. They are tenants today. They haven't received guests for years because they can't weather it and they don't have the conditions. Years of struggle are behind Danis and his parents. All of the above are just events in brief. The fight was longer and bigger. That fight for Danis affected the health of his parents. Danis had both eye and leg surgeries. After the eye surgery, Danis' motor skills declined. If it weren't for the surgeries, he would probably be walking. They couldn't exercise for 6 months and have to do it all over again. Those forecasts that he would be able to walk by the age of 10 at that moment unfortunately went down the drain. Danis underwent surgeries on 4 levels of his legs. He was then in plastic for those 6 months, all in steel rails, he could not roll over. Danis does 10,000 exercises a day with his parents. It is drastic if they sometimes have to postpone the appointment. If they don't do the exercises for 7 days, Danis' motor skills go back 6 months, so they have to do it all over again. Today, Danis is an excellent student and knows everything that his peers learn. He knows medical terminology, his own psyche, therapeutic approaches, the cruelty of the state administration and numerous other problems that most people encounter most often at a later age. What I am particularly proud of is that a report with Danis is being prepared in English with the original "British" accent because he speaks English at the level of a university professor. After several million exercises, operations and examinations at clinics in Zagreb, he is still learning movements and does not give up the hope that one day he will walk on his own two feet.
I am passing on Danis's words to you: "I would be honored and proud to one day throw my crutches and walker into river Bosna and start walking alone."
The final words of Danis' father Hamdija, as a message to parents and all people who struggle with difficulties, were: "You have to build and incorporate a training process in yourself. It is easy for a child, he is a "blank slate" and he will accept everything as you "program" him, teach him, wrong - wrong, right - right. But always keep in mind that in nature everything tends to go towards chaos, towards the wrong, and that's why you have to be there both physically and mentally, with a goal set somewhere high, at the top, that you can't reach in at least half a year, a year, because you won’t see the shift and it is the key to everything, your engine, your drive, your fuel. And when it's the hardest for you, when neither you nor your life partner feel like living, then find the strength in yourself and practice, practice until you faint. Remember your child, his (certain - guaranteed) future, friends who cheer you on, benefactors who help you because they believe in you, in your child, other sick children. And know that you will not be able to do this alone. Go out in public, talk, ease your soul, look for similar experiences. You extract from them what will lift you up, at least a small grain of good, stimulating (and not throw you into the abyss - you were thrown into the abyss a long time ago, not by your own will and guilt, but you have to pull through).
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, keep quiet, God forbid there is worse... Laugh, joke, because your child feels everything, understands, no matter how strange and incomprehensible it may be to you. Imagine, it is in your hands 25 hours a day, it will understand you by touch, thoughts, movement, smell. MULTIPLY… You have to be realistic. You have to be a physiotherapist, teacher, educator, best friend, parent, sometimes strict when necessary, with a dose. Because you are doing him the biggest mistake (disservice) if you look at him as sick and give in to him. P.S. This is a warm confession of some caring parents, if it is possible on this topic. A true story, still unfinished, about extraordinary progress and breaking all limits. The truth of life about how the word "impossible" can be given definition and dimension, with the good guidance of real, true humanists. Our thank you to people dedicated to their profession, science, charity, community, love for their neighbor and, God willing, a successful story with a happy ending. We live in hope...". The essence of the whole story is that there is no giving up! Danis' treatment is currently based on the help of other people, and that help is crucial. We are all human, but you have to be human first of all. In the video that follows, you can see how you can pay for Danis' treatment and you can hear again what Danis's greatest wish is. The video was taken with permission from the website of Human SocialSociety 4Life, and you can see the entire report on their website. This was the story of Danis, a hero boy whose greatest desire is to walk, and with God's help we can help him in that. Good people, it's time to show yourself.

Danis Kadić is a boy who, with his struggle, creativity and intelligence, delighted a large number of people, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also far beyond. Although he was born with serious health problems, Danis achieves excellent results in all subjects and is the recipient of numerous awards. Due to his illness and the numerous therapeutic treatmens he needs, he often stays outside the borders of BiH where he has the necessary treatments, which require significant financial resources.