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REPORTING LIVE - Chicago, USA and Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


: “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago is also the mastermind behind the platform of the same name, which successfully executes its activities and projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in this video, you’ll be able to hear the details of the establishment of  “Sedinin Bazar” in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

: In this video you can watch and listen to a summary of the activities supported by “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago.  “Sedinin Bazar” responsibly and transparently promotes all activities that are implemented for a better future for young people with disabilities. All these imagined activities would be more difficult to implement if “Sedinin Bazar” didn’t have their selfless supporters.

: This video report shows the activities that were done with the help and support of “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago. The close cooperation of “Sedinin Bazar” and “RE-SET” was discussed. This video shows what has been achieved with the help of this platform and its supporters.

: In this report you can listen to a summary of some new things supported by “Sedinin Bazar” in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can also find out what great steps have been taken to improve the position of people with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the help of this platform, four people with disabilities got the opportunity to get a job and thus be useful to their society. Emina Hatemić signed a contract to pay for her basic education and she was given a laptop that will make it easier for her to follow classes. The publication of the first book by Eldar Smajić was also seen through. All these activities would not have been done without the platform’s supporters.

.”Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago presents its new partner in this video. It’s Mrs. Anka Cavrag Logsdon. Mrs. Anka is a certified holistic treatment approach trainer, nutritionist, and you can find out a lot more interesting things in this very inspiring video. Anka decided to do a  whole program called "Cleansing the organism on a cellular basis" in cooperation with “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago. The funds collected from the realization of this training were decided to go to donations to people with disabilities for the purpose of their education and scholarships. You can view training registration and details at the link in the description of this video.

“Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago hosted Mrs. Belma Islamović Omerović in this live broadcast. Go ahead and watch this inspiring conversation with such a special guest. Belma's great will to continue with life's struggles even after the great tragedy she experienced will be an inspiration to many. You have the opportunity to hear Belma's satisfaction with the “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago. In this video, Ms. Sedina, who is the creator of “Sedinin Bazar”, talks about her satisfaction at having the opportunity to support people with disabilities. In a conversation with Belma, “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago expressed a great desire to cooperate with this very inspiring guest. From this video, you can conclude how positively Belma affects both disabled and non-disabled people. Belma's short documentary about her tragedy in the war was also mentioned. For many, this video will be a great inspiration to keep fighting, and not to give up easily on your life.

: In this video attachment, watch the conversation with a guest of “Sedinin Bazar” - Ermin Ljevo. Mr. Ljevo is a new partner of “Sedinin Bazar” from Chicago. On this occasion, he talked about his commitment to this humanitarian platform. In addition to his humanitarian work, in the video you will have the opportunity to see Ermin's wood carvings. Also listen to how this gentleman became a supporter of “Sedinin Bazar”.  In addition to this, watch and listen to Aladin Kavgić's guest appearance, in which he expresses his satisfaction and gratitude for all the support provided by this platform to young people with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr. Aladin also mentioned significant activities supported by “Sedinin Bazar”, for the purpose of educating as many people with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina as possible. New collaborations were also mentioned, which will be supported by the platform. All the activities that you will learn about in this video would not be possible without the support provided by “Sedinin Bazar” and its faithful supporters.


: Dear friends, we are brimming with pride to be able to reach out so suddenly and inform you about the beautiful things that are happening to us and the new activities that we are planning to do, which will be useful in many ways for the youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We also want to take this opportunity to show how serious we are in what we do and that we firmly stand behind our work as well as our users whom we support through the platform “Sedinin Bazar” and “RE - SET” - Non-governmental Organization. Thank you to everyone who, together with us, is a part of this beautiful story that is happening in our country and who provide us with enormous support in achieving our goals. Watch and listen to what it's all about in the video attachment!









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